Custom cabinets and shelving provide for extra storage and an
overall clean look. See more pictures of bathroom decorating.
While not every bath can be the statement-making bath made popular in the ornate 1980s, every bath can benefit from the flow of great new ideas entering the market. Even baths that can't be enlarged are looking and feeling much better these days, thanks to inventive fixtures, attractive personal touches, appealing color schemes, and intelligent design.
Creating a better bath isn't just an indulgence; it's a smart idea. One of the best home improvement investments you can make is adding a second full bath to a one-bath house or remodeling an existing bath.
Even if you don't plan to sell your house soon, a new or remodeled bath can make a huge improvement in your family's quality of life, day in and day out. A new bath can relieve squabbles over morning congestion, and a remodeled one can add a whole new dimension of comfort.
Even a relatively simple replacement or redecoration project can add valuable safety measures and refresh your spirits. Start thinking now about what would make a real difference to your quality of life.
Personalizing Your Bathroom Design
So you've decided to design your bathroom? Aside from painting it your favorite shade of blue, you should know how configure the space as well. Jump into the world of bathroom remodeling, and get tips on how to personalize your bathroom design.
New Construction vs. Remodeling Your Bathroom
How you design a bathroom is intricately tied to and influences by whether you're starting from scratch with a newly constructed bathroom or remodeling an existing one. Learn more about the differences and how to deal with them.
How to Design a Bathroom on a Budget
When designing a bathroom, sit down and make a list of those things you must have, those things that would be nice to have, and those things you don't need. Check out more tips on how to design a bathroom on a budget.
Hiring Bathroom Remodeling Professionals
Because hiring labor to remodel a bathroom is probably the most costly part of renovation, it makes sense to learn how to negotiate for prices and explain your expectations. Read this article to get tips on hiring contractors.
Preparing for a Bathroom Remodeling Project
Before you begin remodeling a bathroom, it's best to sit down and plan out the entire design project from start to finish. Find out what steps you should take before you begin renovating your bathroom.
Bathroom Design Ideas
Can't decide on one style to decorate your bathroom? Read this article and start getting ideas that you'll love.
Master Bath, Family Bath, and Kids' Bath Design
A bathroom that all family members use will certainly feature different fixtures than those in a master bath. Learn how to design a bathroom that's functional yet fun.
Specialty Bathrooms
Specialty bathrooms aren't just for the rich and famous. These bathrooms can be immensely functional, too. Learn more about specialty bathrooms, and discover whether one is right for you.
Bathroom Layout Imperatives
Are you living in a narrow condo that's wider than it is long? Do you plan to annex space from a closet or another room to add square footage to a bathroom? Check out a variety of bathroom layouts and which work best based on the size of the space.
Bathroom Lighting and Ventilation
No bathroom is complete without adequate lighting and ventilation. Learn more about how windows and other sources of light and ventilation add to the design of a bathroom.
Intriguing Bathroom Decor
Making one feature the focal point of the bathroom requires a balancing other fixtures as well. Find out how to create a harmonious bathroom.
Using Color, Texture, and Space in the Bathroom
Certain colors, and in specific combinations, can make a bathroom appear larger than it really is. Texture and lines can also influence the design of a bathroom. Learn how to use color, texture, and space in your bathroom.
To find a personal style that suits you, continue reading -- the next article describes ways to decorate a bathroom as you like it.
Source : HowStuffWork
To learn more about decorating or remodeling your bathroom, visit:
- Bathroom Decor
- Decorating a Bathroom
- Kids' Bathroom Decorating Ideas
- Home Decorating Tips
- Planet Green: Green Bathrooms
America is a bath-happy country, and many new and interesting products are available to those interested in bathroom design. Like our Puritan forebears, we still associate cleanliness with virtue, but today, we also associate it with hedonistic pampering. From the skimpy, sanitary, one-per-household white box of the 1950s, the bath has blossomed into a beckoning retreat.
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